Circus Clowns

  1. Article
  2. Question
  3. Vocabulary


Today I went to the circus.
My favorite part of the circus was the clowns.
Clowns can do funny tricks.

A clown named Pinky turned flips on the back of a horse.
Fancy Pants juggled balls while he was singing a funny song.
Happy Hal made balloons into animal shapes.

Then twelve clowns squeezed into a tiny car and rode away.


Color in the ball that tells the main idea.

- Clowns drive tiny cars.
- Balloons can be shaped like animals.
- Pinky rides a horse.
- Clowns can do funny tricks.
- Fancy Pants sang a song.


circus 馬戲團
clowns 小丑
favorite 最愛
tricks 詭計, 花招
flips 空翻
Pinky 粉紅色的, 在這裡是小丑名
Fancy Pants 花俏的褲子, 在這裡是小丑名
juggle balls 耍弄球
Happy Hal 在這裡是小丑名
balloon 氣球
shapes 形狀
squeeze into 擠進
rode -> ride 乘車
rode away 乘車離開
sang -> sing 唱